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序号 产品编号 名称 Weight Roll length [MTR] Min. bend radius [mm] Hose Ø external [mm] Hose Ø inside [mm] 售价 订购数量
1.0 TWSSP 19 650g / m 40 125 31 19 (3/4") ¥226.24
2.0 TWSSP 63 2.6kg / m 40 300 79 63.5 (2 1/2") ¥671.28
3.0 TWSSP 50 2.2kg / m 40 275 66 50 (2") ¥444.32
Tank truck suction- pressure hose, NBR, EN 12115

Materials: Inner tube: NBR, black, extruded, insert: with steel wire coil and copper strand, cover: NBR / SBR, black, fabric finished, abrasion resistant, anti-static
Temperature range: -25°C to max. +80°C, (Oil to max. +100°C, biodiesel left natural or esterified max. +40°C)
Operating pressure: 16 bar, burst pressure: 64 bar (100 mm: 12 bar, burst pressure: 48 bar)
Vacuum range: -0.9 bar (> 63 mm: - 0.8 bar)
Electrical resistance: R <1 MOhm/m
Operating range: Oil and petrol resistant suction and pressure hose for mineral oil products with a maximum aromatic content of 50%. Suitable for a tank truck hose for various media such as petrol (DIN EN 228), diesel (DIN EN 590), Biodiesel (DIN EN 14214, heating oil, natural vegetable oils, turpentine and ester products (RME). Flame resistant in accordance with TRbF 131, part 2, paragraph 5.5
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 8 (Page 343) Suitable accessories:
  • Tanker truck V couplings, dimensions according to EN 14420-6 (DIN 28450)
  • Tanker truck M couplings, dimensions according to EN 14420-6 (DIN 28450)
  • Hinge bolt clamps
  • Clamps 2-piece, Dimensions according to EN 14420-3 (DIN 2817)
  • Hose connection tubes, hose connection tubes reducing, PN 16
  • Threaded nozzles with cylindrical thread - internal cone, PN 10/16/40
  • Threaded nozzles with conical thread without a collar, PN 50
  • Threaded nozzles with male thread and safety collar, Dimensions according to EN 14420-5 (DIN 2817)
  • Threaded nozzle, Dimensions according to DIN EN 14423 / DIN 2826
  • Hose screw connections connecting nut and safety collar, Dimensions according to EN 14420-5 (DIN 2817)

  • All technical data are to be understood as non-binding reference values. prices given plus VAT
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