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Storz transition fitting on flange PN 16
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序号 产品编号 名称 Weight DN [mm] Lug distance [mm] Storz size Material 售价 订购数量
1.0 STKFL 81/65 A 1.8kg / pc. 65 81 65 ¥838.16
2.0 STKFL 89/80 A 1.8kg / pc. 80 89 75-B ¥714.88
3.0 STKFL 31/25 ES 1.4kg / pc. 25 31 25-D ¥1700.24
4.0 STKFL 31/25 A 500g / pc. 25 31 25-D ¥320.16
5.0 STKFL 115/100 A 2.4kg / pc. 100 115 100 ¥1411.36
6.0 STKFL 133/100 A 2.7kg / pc. 100 133 110-A ¥1191.52
7.0 STKFL 81/65 ES 4.8kg / pc. 65 81 65 ¥3453.84
8.0 STKFL 89/65 A 1.9kg / pc. 65 89 75-B ¥953.12
9.0 STKFL 133/100 ES 8kg / pc. 100 133 110-A ¥5449.44
10.0 STKFL 66/40 A * 2kg / pc. 40 66 52-C ¥702.00
11.0 STKFL 66/50 ES 3.5kg / pc. 50 66 52-C ¥2072.88
12.0 STKFL 89/80 ES 5kg / pc. 80 89 75-B ¥3243.20
13.0 STKFL 66/50 A 1.1kg / pc. 50 66 52-C ¥398.40
Storz transition fitting on flange PN 16

Materials: Seal: NBR (stainless steel: Viton)
Temperature range: -40°C to max. +110°C (Stainless steel: -15°C to max. +200°C)
Pressure range: up to 16 bar
Operating range: Industry, fire brigade, refinery, agriculture, construction industry, maritime, military and catastrophe protection
Dimensions for determining the size of Storz couplings DIN sizes lug distance 31 mm = Storz size 25-D, lug distance 66 mm = Storz size 52-C, lug distance 89 mm = Storz size 75-B, lug distance 133 mm = Storz size 110-A
Advantages: •simple assignment of hose ends and connections, •quick connection and release by twisting 120°, •all couplings with the same lug distance are inter-compatible. The following applies: same lug distance, same nominal size, •wide application range by use of application specific hoses, •forged aluminum - no risk of breakage, such as with molded connectors.
*zinc-plated steel flange
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 8 (Page 300) Suitable accessories:
  • Easy vacuum-pressure PU coiled tubes
  • Medium suction pressure PU coil tubes, flame retardant, DIN 4102 B1
  • Heavy suction pressure PU coil tubes
  • Suction pressure plastic coil tubes made from PVC
  • Flexible vacuum or pressure PVC hoses
  • Hinge bolt clamps
  • Wire hose clamps for mounting hoses with spiral inlay
  • Clamps 2-piece, Dimensions according to EN 14420-3 (DIN 2817)
  • Welding neck flange DIN 2633, PN 16
  • Thread washers DIN 2566, PN 16

  • All technical data are to be understood as non-binding reference values. prices given plus VAT
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