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Hydraulic quick release couplings for vehicles, up to PN 315
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序号 产品编号 名称 Weight Tube connection DN [mm] Uncoupled pressure [bar] Coupled pressure [bar] Model series Version 售价 订购数量
1.0 AKF 15 L 1.6kg / pc. 15 L 12 250 315 light model series fixed halves ¥2211.28
2.0 AKF 18 L 1.6kg / pc. 18 L 16 250 315 light model series fixed halves ¥2275.12
3.0 AKF 22 L 2kg / pc. 22 L 20 160 160 light model series fixed halves ¥4823.12
4.0 AKL 15 L 750g / pc. 15 L 12 315 315 light model series loose half ¥1802.08
5.0 AKF 12 S 550g / pc. 12 S 8 250 315 heavy model series fixed halves ¥1172.96
6.0 AKL 22 L 2.1kg / pc. 22 L 20 100 160 light model series loose half ¥6132.72
7.0 AKF 16 S 1.6kg / pc. 16 S 12 250 315 heavy model series fixed halves ¥2300.72
8.0 AKL 16 S 750g / pc. 16 S 12 315 315 heavy model series loose half ¥2418.40
9.0 AKL 12 L 370g / pc. 12 L 10 200 315 light model series loose half ¥1606.88
10.0 AKL 20 S 800g / pc. 20 S 16 315 315 heavy model series loose half ¥1953.76
11.0 AKL 18 L 750g / pc. 18 L 16 315 315 light model series loose half ¥1883.04
12.0 AKF 12 L 550g / pc. 12 L 10 250 315 light model series fixed halves ¥1172.96
13.0 AKL 12 S 370g / pc. 12 S 8 200 315 heavy model series loose half ¥1483.20
14.0 AKF 20 S 1.7kg / pc. 20 S 16 250 315 heavy model series fixed halves ¥2407.36
Hydraulic quick release couplings for vehicles, up to PN 315

Suitable: Quick release couplings can be applied when connecting void of any oil leaks or when separation filled pipelines. Separating the couplings is completed via the hand nut or as of DN 20 via a hand wheel. The special feature of these couplings is that the coupling halves can be pulled apart without destroying the piping system.
Materials: Housing and internal parts: Steel zinc plated / aluminium, valve sleeve in the loose half: Brass, pull-off housing: Steel (DN 12 to DN 25: malleable cast iron), seal: NBR
Temperature range: -40°C to max. +100°C
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 6 (Page 177)
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