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3-way ball valves
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3-way ball valves
3-way ball valves进口气动三通球阀可分为L型和T型两种,主要看实际使用管路的需求,晟江工业品推存的这款进口气动三通球阀属于100%纯进口,高品质
3-way T ball valves with one-sided toggle grips, compact, PN 20
¥140.8800048828125 ~ ¥143.27999877929688
3-way valves, horizontal design
¥1147.199951171875 ~ ¥7569.83984375
repair sets for stainless steel 3-way ball valves with direct assembly flange, PN 63
¥834.239990234375 ~ ¥834.239990234375
Stainless steel 3-way ball valves with electrical rotary actuator (sanitary version), PN 63 (will be discontinued)
¥4128.240234375 ~ ¥4439.43994140625
3-way valves, vertical design
¥636.719970703125 ~ ¥636.719970703125
High pressure-3-way-ball valves, High pressure ball valves with cutting ring connections DIN 2353, up to PN 500
¥390.7200012207031 ~ ¥1723.280029296875
3-way ball valves with pneumatic rotary actuator, PN 40
¥1911.52001953125 ~ ¥7969.759765625
Stainless steel 3-way ball valves, up to PN 63
¥868.0 ~ ¥42096.23828125
Stainless steel 3-way ball valves with electrical rotary actuator (industrial version), PN 63
¥4977.68017578125 ~ ¥10330.16015625
Stainless steel, high-pressure 3-way ball valves, up to PN 400
¥3776.159912109375 ~ ¥16823.51953125
3-way ball valves with electrical rotary actuator (sanitary version), PN 63 (will be discontinued)
¥3113.919921875 ~ ¥6009.68017578125
3-way ball valves, L-design with  fixing thread, PN 20
¥621.8400268554688 ~ ¥621.8400268554688
Stainless steel, high-pressure 3-way ball valves with cutting ring connection, DIN 2353, up to PN 400
¥3475.360107421875 ~ ¥11425.0400390625
High pressure-3-way-ball valves, to PN 500
¥509.6000061035156 ~ ¥21317.599609375
3-way ball valves, L-design with  fixing thread, PN 20
¥0.0 ~ ¥0.0
3-way hose valves (T position) made of PVDF, PN 1
¥353.9200134277344 ~ ¥353.9200134277344
3-way ball valves, up to PN 55
¥216.24000549316406 ~ ¥4640.0
Stainless steel 3-way ball valves, Eco-Line / PN 63
¥663.3599853515625 ~ ¥3128.39990234375
3-way ball valves with electrical rotary actuator (industrial version), PN 40
¥4016.9599609375 ~ ¥7732.72021484375
3-way flanged ball valves, reduced throughway, PN 16
¥2943.43994140625 ~ ¥38749.0390625
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