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service units - gauges - control technology
service units - gauges - control technology
service units - gauges - control technology
Proportional pressure regulator valves with digital control
¥11741.2001953125 ~ ¥29811.83984375
Spring hoods for pressure and filter regulators - Multifix
¥22.31999969482422 ~ ¥1105.0400390625
Air units 3-part model series 5, 11,300 l/min
¥3606.56005859375 ~ ¥4460.240234375
Pressure gauge push-button valves with DVGW approval, PN 25*
¥158.24000549316406 ~ ¥158.24000549316406
Prefilter Futura model series
¥566.1599731445312 ~ ¥1893.52001953125
Measuring hoses with push in fittings, PN 400
¥102.31999969482422 ~ ¥311.44000244140625
Pressure gauge snubber for liquids and gases, PN 250 / 400
¥126.72000122070312 ~ ¥822.239990234375
O-rings to seal the air unit containers in the Multifix series
¥10.239999771118164 ~ ¥12.720000267028809
Adapters for test couplings / pressure gauges, PN 630
¥111.91999816894531 ~ ¥1055.6800537109375
Mist lubricators - standard - model series 1 to 8 (G 1/4
¥250.9600067138672 ~ ¥3424.0
Siphons DIN 16282, PN 25 / 100
¥176.63999938964844 ~ ¥1007.4400024414062
Capillary throttle, PN 400
¥81.5999984741211 ~ ¥1025.5999755859375
Filters, standard model series 1 to 9 (G 1/4
¥234.9600067138672 ~ ¥5545.35986328125
Filters, Eco-Line
¥117.27999877929688 ~ ¥631.760009765625
Prefilter model series 0 to 5
¥518.47998046875 ~ ¥4165.2001953125
Compressed air reservoir for stationary use, up to 11 bar
¥334.9599914550781 ~ ¥857.1199951171875
Pressure gauge shut-off valves DIN 16271 with test flange 60 x 25 x 10, PN 250 / 400
¥486.79998779296875 ~ ¥863.52001953125
Mounting material for Multifix-components
¥15.039999961853027 ~ ¥249.60000610351562
Pressure gauge couplings to plug into a screw connection
¥0.0 ~ ¥0.0
Strainer, to PN 20
¥117.76000213623047 ~ ¥1074.719970703125
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