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Air units, Standard
service units - gauges - control technology> Air units, Standard
Air units, Standard
Mist lubricators - standard - model series 1 to 8 (G 1/4
¥250.9600067138672 ~ ¥3424.0
Filters, standard model series 1 to 9 (G 1/4
¥234.9600067138672 ~ ¥5545.35986328125
Steam trap as replacement part for filters and filter regulators - standard
¥379.3599853515625 ~ ¥379.3599853515625
Filter regulators - Mini, 350 l/min
¥348.1600036621094 ~ ¥564.0
Air units 2-part standard model series 1 to 5 (G 1/4
¥742.7999877929688 ~ ¥4093.280029296875
Replacement diaphragms and sealing cones for high-pressure pressure regulators
¥66.63999938964844 ~ ¥327.1199951171875
Micro pressure regulators, 75 l/min
¥315.0400085449219 ~ ¥315.0400085449219
Air units 3-part standard model series 1 to 8 (G 1/4
¥777.760009765625 ~ ¥10817.0400390625
Remotely controlled precision pressure regulators (volume boosters)
¥1648.4000244140625 ~ ¥1679.52001953125
Compressed air filters for high pressure values, up to 40 bar
¥1067.5999755859375 ~ ¥5668.47998046875
Vacuum regulator with external leakage, 4 - 70 m³/h
¥0.0 ~ ¥0.0
Mounting brackets for air units and pressure regulators - standard
¥35.52000045776367 ~ ¥74.4000015258789
Air units 2-part -Mini , 350 l/min
¥635.9199829101562 ~ ¥978.47998046875
Remotely controlled pressure regulators (volume boosters) - Standard model series 3 to 8 (G 1/2
¥947.0399780273438 ~ ¥5182.56005859375
Replacement bowls for lubricators - Standard
¥54.47999954223633 ~ ¥188.63999938964844
Oilers - mini, 660 l/min
¥243.36000061035156 ~ ¥447.0400085449219
O-rings to seal the air unit containers in the Standard series
¥10.5600004196167 ~ ¥15.680000305175781
Vacuum regulator - miniature, 22 l/min
¥1093.43994140625 ~ ¥1093.43994140625
Pressure regulators for pressures, up to 60 bar
¥1670.4000244140625 ~ ¥4261.52001953125
Filter - Mini, 800 l/min
¥159.83999633789062 ~ ¥232.55999755859375
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