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threaded fittings - general accesories> ORFS screw connections
ORFS screw connections
ORFS closing plugs
¥73.76000213623047 ~ ¥168.24000549316406
ORFS cross screw connections
¥377.2799987792969 ~ ¥1348.719970703125
ORFS T screw connections
¥119.91999816894531 ~ ¥689.52001953125
Straight ORFS bulkhead screw connections
¥156.16000366210938 ~ ¥631.280029296875
45° ORFS elbow screw connections
¥119.36000061035156 ~ ¥119.36000061035156
Angle-ORFS-screwed connections (G-thread)
¥127.5199966430664 ~ ¥1199.760009765625
ORFS L screwed connections
¥2906.47998046875 ~ ¥2906.47998046875
ORFS closing screw connections with union nuts
¥450.8800048828125 ~ ¥450.8800048828125
Straight ORFS screwed connections (G thread)
¥48.560001373291016 ~ ¥520.0
ORFS elbow screw connections
¥98.95999908447266 ~ ¥851.280029296875
Straight ORFS screwed connections (NPT thread)
¥46.2400016784668 ~ ¥886.239990234375
ORFS T screw connections
¥174.9600067138672 ~ ¥768.6400146484375
ORFS elbow screw connections with union nuts
¥111.12000274658203 ~ ¥1374.56005859375
Straight ORFS screw connections
¥62.720001220703125 ~ ¥364.8800048828125
ORFS reduction screw connections
¥119.91999816894531 ~ ¥1043.5999755859375
Straight ORFS screwed connections (metric thread)
¥31.600000381469727 ~ ¥157.60000610351562
Straight ORFS screw connections with union nut
¥76.55999755859375 ~ ¥138.9600067138672
Straight ORFS screwed connections with union nut (G thread)
¥246.0800018310547 ~ ¥1215.43994140625
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