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pressure gauge transducer - pressure switch - flow meter (also for vacuum)
service units - gauges - control technology> pressure gauge transducer - pressure switch - flow meter (also for vacuum)
pressure gauge transducer - pressure switch - flow meter (also for vacuum)
Electronic flow monitor, PN 100
¥3289.760009765625 ~ ¥5366.39990234375
Plastic flow indicators, PN 1
¥163.1999969482422 ~ ¥163.1999969482422
Pressure gauge transducer, 0,2% BFSL (0,5% of span)
¥1422.47998046875 ~ ¥1658.719970703125
Pressure switches - with bayonet connection IP 67, up to 200 bar
¥94.4800033569336 ~ ¥482.0799865722656
Pressure switch with diaphragms for compressors model series 5, MDR
¥893.8400268554688 ~ ¥1175.6800537109375
Cable sets with M12 x 1 couplings (4- & 5-pin)
¥0.0 ~ ¥0.0
Switching power supply for power supply of pressure gauge transducer and digital displays
¥656.0 ~ ¥656.0
Pressure gauge transducer, 0,5% BFSL (1% of span)
¥1453.5999755859375 ~ ¥1453.5999755859375
Electronic pressure switches - compact series, up to 10 bar
¥1369.6800537109375 ~ ¥1818.0
Sandwich plug-on display for transmitter with 4 - 20 mA outlet (LED)
¥1725.5999755859375 ~ ¥2221.199951171875
Pressure gauge transducer with flush-mounted diaphragm, 0,2% BFSL (0,5% of span)
¥4271.27978515625 ~ ¥4450.64013671875
Pressure switch with diaphragms for compressors model series 2-4, MDR
¥780.0 ~ ¥1673.9200439453125
Pressure switches - comfortably adjustable, up to 320 bar
¥367.67999267578125 ~ ¥711.9199829101562
Digital plug-in display for pressure gauge transducers (LCD)
¥1995.760009765625 ~ ¥1995.760009765625
Electronic pressure switches - slim model series, up to 10 bar
¥1259.43994140625 ~ ¥1313.5999755859375
Pressure switches - small design, up to 10 bar
¥158.8000030517578 ~ ¥158.8000030517578
Universal display, monitoring and regulation device
¥2288.56005859375 ~ ¥2288.56005859375
Paddle flow monitor, PN 100
¥840.8800048828125 ~ ¥1527.52001953125
Viscosity compensated flow meter and flow monitor, PN 250/300
¥5790.56005859375 ~ ¥10899.4404296875
Viscosity compensated flow meter, PN 250/300
¥5571.0400390625 ~ ¥10749.83984375
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