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service units - gauges - control technology> High-pressure regulator - High-pressure filter - High pressure oiler
High-pressure regulator - High-pressure filter - High pressure oiler
Filters, up to 7,200 l/min.*
¥1940.47998046875 ~ ¥10062.7998046875
Pressure regulators, Kv value 12.6 (m³/hr.), 15,000 l/min.*
¥13349.919921875 ~ ¥37858.16015625
Pressure regulators, Kv value 1,0 (m³/hr.), 1250 l/min.*
¥219.75999450683594 ~ ¥7738.72021484375
Pressure regulators, Kv value 21.0 (m³/hr.), 25,000 l/min.*
¥28205.19921875 ~ ¥50122.0
Replacement diaphragms and sealing cones for high-pressure water pressure regulators
¥0.0 ~ ¥0.0
Pressure regulators for gases and liquids, up to 40 bar
¥1177.760009765625 ~ ¥10327.919921875
Pressure regulators, Kv value 0.5 (m³/hr.), 500 l/min.*
¥612.4000244140625 ~ ¥4956.16015625
Filter regulators, up to 6,000 l/min.*
¥914.8800048828125 ~ ¥18132.560546875
High pressure diaphragm pressure regulators for gases and liquids, up to 275 bar (will be discontinued)
¥4421.1201171875 ~ ¥5679.35986328125
Micro-filters for high pressure values, up to 60 bar
¥1649.52001953125 ~ ¥1657.6800537109375
Compressed air filters for high pressure values, up to 60 bar
¥1433.760009765625 ~ ¥1475.52001953125
Pressure regulators, Kv value 5.5 (m³/hr.), 6,500 l/min.*
¥585.3599853515625 ~ ¥18807.19921875
Water pressure regulator for high pressures,  up to 40 bar
¥478.8800048828125 ~ ¥3246.639892578125
Pressure regulators for pressures, up to 60 bar
¥1670.4000244140625 ~ ¥4261.52001953125
Bottle pressure reducer, DIN EN ISO 2503 (former DIN EN 585)
¥664.5599975585938 ~ ¥4345.68017578125
High pressure diaphragm pressure regulators for gases and liquids, up to 345 bar (will be discontinued)
¥7251.0400390625 ~ ¥9217.2802734375
Pressure regulators, 200 l/min.*
¥91.44000244140625 ~ ¥2624.320068359375
Compressed air filters for high pressure values, up to 40 bar
¥1250.3199462890625 ~ ¥5668.47998046875
Oilers, up to 8,000 l/min*
¥1940.47998046875 ~ ¥5573.1201171875
Pressure regulators for high pressure values, up to 40 bar
¥434.239990234375 ~ ¥6268.56005859375
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