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ball valves - check valves - process valves> Electrically actuated ball valves
Electrically actuated ball valves
Electrically actuated ball valves进口电磁阀是一款高端电磁球阀,有单向球阀、三通型电磁阀、四通型电磁阀等,晟江工业品推存的高压电磁球阀采用原装进口
Stainless steel 3-way ball valves with electrical rotary actuator (sanitary version), PN 63 (will be discontinued)
¥3839.199951171875 ~ ¥4579.68017578125
Stainless steel ball valves, 3-piece, with full throughway and direct assembly flange, PN 63
¥980.9600219726562 ~ ¥12130.0
Ball valves with electrical rotary actuators (sanitary version), to PN 40*
¥2330.0 ~ ¥3591.280029296875
Ball valves with electrical rotary actuators (sanitary version), PN 40 (will be discontinued)
¥2187.0400390625 ~ ¥4760.0
Stainless steel ball valves with electrical rotary actuator (industrial version), PN 63
¥3839.60009765625 ~ ¥20901.51953125
Repair sets for stainless steel ball bearings 3-piece with direct assembly flange, PN 63
¥559.6799926757812 ~ ¥3419.280029296875
Brass 3-way ball valves with assembly flanges according to ISO 5211, PN 40
¥628.9600219726562 ~ ¥1790.9599609375
Stainless steel 3-way ball valves with assembly flange according to ISO 5211, PN 63
¥1562.1600341796875 ~ ¥6809.27978515625
3-way ball valves with electrical rotary actuator (sanitary version), PN 63 (will be discontinued)
¥3113.919921875 ~ ¥3113.919921875
Stainless steel 3-way ball valves with electrical rotary actuator (industrial version), PN 63
¥4977.68017578125 ~ ¥10330.16015625
Electrically driven rotary actuator (industrial version)
¥3158.159912109375 ~ ¥11958.0
3-way ball valves with electrical rotary actuator (industrial version), PN 40
¥4016.9599609375 ~ ¥7732.72021484375
repair sets for stainless steel 3-way ball valves with direct assembly flange, PN 63
¥483.2799987792969 ~ ¥991.0399780273438
Brass ball valves with full throughways and direct assembly flanges, up to PN 40
¥343.5199890136719 ~ ¥4059.679931640625
Ball valve with timer, PN 16
¥3200.8798828125 ~ ¥8183.27978515625
Ball valve with electrical rotary actuator (industrial version), up to PN 40
¥3594.800048828125 ~ ¥13290.48046875
High pressure ball valves with electric rotary actuators (industrial version), up to PN 500
¥3668.0 ~ ¥10442.240234375
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