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Rotary joints - swivel joints
threaded fittings - general accesories> Rotary joints - swivel joints
Rotary joints - swivel joints
L push in fittings with cyl. threads and two ball bearings, up to 1500 rpm.
¥511.6000061035156 ~ ¥718.0800170898438
Ball guided elbow bulkhead rotation screw connections, cutting ring connection, PN 350
¥2599.199951171875 ~ ¥2599.199951171875
Ball guided bulkhead rotation screw connections, cutting ring connection, up to PN 350
¥1097.8399658203125 ~ ¥2753.280029296875
L push in fittings with a ball bearing, up to 500 rpm.
¥92.23999786376953 ~ ¥214.63999938964844
Ball guided elbow swivel joints with thread, PN 315
¥1057.6800537109375 ~ ¥1057.6800537109375
Rotary joints 1-way, up to 550 rpm
¥278.9599914550781 ~ ¥3216.0
High pressure elbow swivel joints, up to PN 400
¥1205.3599853515625 ~ ¥3645.760009765625
Rotary joints 2-way, up to 300 rpm
¥1506.6400146484375 ~ ¥1927.9200439453125
Rotary joints 3-way, up to 200 rpm
¥2718.8798828125 ~ ¥2718.8798828125
Slide bearing angle swivel screw connection (metric), up to 10 rpm
¥1383.43994140625 ~ ¥10955.919921875
Ball guided double swivel screw connections, cutting ring connection, 350 bar
¥0.0 ~ ¥0.0
High pressure rotary joints, up to PN 500
¥1386.47998046875 ~ ¥6217.27978515625
Universal rotary joint for rotating inside ring up to 3500 U/min, up to PN 50
¥2026.6400146484375 ~ ¥11029.51953125
Push in fittings with two ball bearings, up to 1500 rpm.
¥433.2799987792969 ~ ¥614.47998046875
push in fittings with ball bearing, up to 500 rpm.
¥92.23999786376953 ~ ¥224.8000030517578
Ball bearing rotary joints, up to 420 bar
¥1856.0 ~ ¥7329.52001953125
Straight swivel joints external female thread 360° rotation
¥25.920000076293945 ~ ¥40.720001220703125
Z swivel joints (3 axis), L swivel joints (2 axis), 350 bar
¥1307.3599853515625 ~ ¥2220.56005859375
Push in fittings with cyl. threads and a ball bearing, up to 500 rpm.
¥101.19999694824219 ~ ¥251.36000061035156
Rotary joints with external and female threads, can be turned 360°
¥187.83999633789062 ~ ¥1832.9599609375
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