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couplings & accesories> plastic couplings> plastic couplings, NW 7,2 (incompatible with metal couplings NW 7,2)
plastic couplings, NW 7,2 (incompatible with metal couplings NW 7,2)
Coupling sockets, NW 7.2, POM/PVDF with thread connection
¥208.32000732421875 ~ ¥526.3200073242188
Coupling sockets, NW 7.2, POM/PVDF with hose connection
¥208.39999389648438 ~ ¥510.8800048828125
Coupling plugs, NW 7.2 POM/PVDF with hose connector - shut-off
¥172.16000366210938 ~ ¥428.55999755859375
Coupling plugs, NW 7.2 POM/PVDF with thread connector - shut-off
¥176.0 ~ ¥445.0400085449219
Coupling plugs, NW 7.2 POM/PVDF with hose connector - standard open
¥24.639999389648438 ~ ¥81.36000061035156
Coupling plugs, NW 7.2 POM/PVDF with thread connector - standard open
¥44.63999938964844 ~ ¥92.87999725341797
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