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general industrial hardware & accesories> OKS® oils
OKS® oils
OKS® oils是一款纯进口润滑油液压油,目前多数进口机械在使用该品牌产品,润滑效果明显,不伤机械设备,是一款高效益的润滑产品
industry oiler
¥308.6400146484375 ~ ¥308.6400146484375
OKS 370 - universal oil for the food processing industry
¥1146.4000244140625 ~ ¥1146.4000244140625
OKS - Other oils
¥85.19999694824219 ~ ¥71602.0
OKS 390/391 - Cutting oil for all metals
¥0.0 ~ ¥0.0
OKS 640/641 - maintenance oil
¥534.7999877929688 ~ ¥534.7999877929688
OKS 3750 - adhesive lubricant with PTFE
¥1501.5999755859375 ~ ¥1501.5999755859375
OKS 360/361 - high performance corrosion protection oil
¥1418.0 ~ ¥6455.60009765625
OKS 670/671 - high performance lubricating oil with white solid lubricants
¥19266.0 ~ ¥19266.0
OKS 600/601 - multi-oil
¥412.3999938964844 ~ ¥412.3999938964844
Refillable compressed air spray can
¥0.0 ~ ¥0.0
OKS - Other corrosion protection products
¥112.80000305175781 ~ ¥28010.400390625
OKS 340/341 - chain protector, extremely adhesive
¥279.20001220703125 ~ ¥40496.3984375
OKS 700/701 - fine-care oil, synthetic
¥66.4000015258789 ~ ¥4132.0
OKS 2100/2101 - protective wax for metal
¥102.80000305175781 ~ ¥3351.60009765625
OKS 450/451 - chain and adhesive lubricant, transparent
¥256.0 ~ ¥5733.60009765625
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