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Vacuum technologies
cylinders - shock absorbers - vacuum> Vacuum technologies
Vacuum technologies
Vacuum technologies液压真空技术元件适用于真空设备仪器上配套使用,工业真空技术管件管材
Flat suction cups, P-series ( Ø 5 - 16 mm)
¥21.520000457763672 ~ ¥41.36000061035156
Bellows suction pad, 2.5 times, Ø 10 - 40 mm
¥33.119998931884766 ~ ¥98.4800033569336
Vacuum regulator with external leakage, 4 - 70 m³/h
¥670.719970703125 ~ ¥670.719970703125
Flat suction cups with very fine lips, Ø 40 - 200 mm
¥96.55999755859375 ~ ¥447.760009765625
Vacuum regulator - precision version, 4.2 - 48 m³/h
¥5322.47998046875 ~ ¥5322.47998046875
Oval teats, 15 - 100 mm
¥79.83999633789062 ~ ¥244.16000366210938
Multi stage ejectors, to 9600 l/min, max. 70 % vacuum, type VLP
¥3882.320068359375 ~ ¥34445.12109375
Vacuum meter vertical and horizontal Ø 63 mm, Class 2.5
¥64.95999908447266 ~ ¥191.75999450683594
Bellows suction pad, 1.5 times, P series ( Ø 20 - 50 mm)
¥25.68000030517578 ~ ¥94.4000015258789
Multi stage ejectors, to 160 l/min, max. 64% vacuum, type VLPS
¥783.6799926757812 ~ ¥1294.56005859375
Free-flow silencers for ejectors
¥208.55999755859375 ~ ¥795.760009765625
Vacuum filter, suction performance 10 to 680 m³/h
¥670.719970703125 ~ ¥4236.72021484375
Pressure switches, up to 400 bar
¥869.760009765625 ~ ¥919.760009765625
Check valves for vacuum, to PN 25
¥110.4800033569336 ~ ¥3107.1201171875
Vacuum PVC-Flex plastic coil tubes
¥0.0 ~ ¥0.0
Flat suction cups with robust lips and vulcanised holders, Ø 60 - 95 mm
¥82.80000305175781 ~ ¥203.60000610351562
Bellows suction pad, 1.5 times, P series ( Ø 6 - 16 mm)
¥19.040000915527344 ~ ¥41.119998931884766
2/2-way vacuum valves - direct control without external air
¥1059.43994140625 ~ ¥5067.43994140625
Multi stage ejectors, to 200 l/min, max. 90 % vacuum, type VIPS
¥1703.280029296875 ~ ¥2247.760009765625
Silencer made from plastic with granulate filling
¥11.920000076293945 ~ ¥113.19999694824219
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