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service units - gauges - control technology> Thermometer - Temperature switches - Thermostat
Thermometer - Temperature switches - Thermostat
Vertical bimetallic thermometer without thermowell - industrial version, class 1.0
¥1346.47998046875 ~ ¥1755.52001953125
Temperature switch with fixed switch poin, PN 64
¥972.6400146484375 ~ ¥1755.3599853515625
Machine glass thermometers
¥559.0399780273438 ~ ¥1454.1600341796875
Thermowell for bimetallic thermometer industrial and chemistry design, Type B
¥273.1199951171875 ~ ¥1268.0799560546875
Digital regulator with temperature or analogue actual value inputs, 48 x 48 mm
¥1815.199951171875 ~ ¥2392.0
Horizontal bimetallic thermometer with plastic housing and CU thermowell, class 2.0
¥50.400001525878906 ~ ¥138.63999938964844
Electronic temperature switches with LED display, PN 80
¥2424.47998046875 ~ ¥2424.47998046875
Optional modules (can be used in all regulators)
¥261.6000061035156 ~ ¥712.0
Horizontal bimetallic thermometer without thermowell - chemical version,  Class 1.0
¥1382.719970703125 ~ ¥1925.6800537109375
Accessories for digital regulators
¥176.0 ~ ¥310.3999938964844
Horizontal bimetallic thermometer without thermowell - industrial version, class 1.0
¥453.67999267578125 ~ ¥934.9600219726562
Vertical bimetallic thermometer without thermowell - chemical version, class 1.0
¥1683.6800537109375 ~ ¥2180.0
Thermowell for machines glass thermometer
¥282.239990234375 ~ ¥1388.4000244140625
Horizontal bimetallic thermometer with aluminium housing and CU thermowell, class 2.0
¥125.19999694824219 ~ ¥448.32000732421875
Thermowell with fixation screw for bimetallic thermometer, 18 mm tape, Type A
¥100.4000015258789 ~ ¥348.7200012207031
Vertical bimetallic thermometer without thermowell, 18 mm collar, class 1.0
¥866.47998046875 ~ ¥1159.0400390625
Plug-in -resistance thermometer with fixed cable, DIN EN 60751
¥623.3599853515625 ~ ¥928.47998046875
Resistor thermometer with small connection head, DIN EN 60751
¥721.3599853515625 ~ ¥923.5999755859375
Horizontal bimetallic thermometer without thermowell, 18 mm collar, class 1.0
¥166.8800048828125 ~ ¥407.1199951171875
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